Lies of the Left #7 – There is no God

I’m numbering these posts just to keep track of the count.  There are literally thousands of these “Lies of the Left” posts I could do.  Think of the things they say all the time: “socialism is good”, “there are concentration camps on the border”, “White men bad”, “orange man bad”, “women are oppressed”, “blacks are oppressed”, “_______ are victims”, “The world is ending and everyone must give up their steak, meat, cars, air conditioning, money, guns, rights or whatever”.

You clever readers have already detected a pattern. And that obvious pattern is that everything they say is a lie, or at the very least a distortion, or a misdirection. They never say anything truthful.  Note how many of them deny God, or say religion is oppressive, or evil, or say God is dead, or call God a “magical sky wizard”. (Heard that one from Ricky Gervais about the same time, not coincidentally, I stopped looking for his stuff.)

So here we are hearing “God is dead” and Christianity and Judaism are for losers, from a group wholly incapable of telling the truth. So the only conclusion I can draw is everyone better start making sure they are going to church on every holy day, and loving their neighbors and God as they love themselves.

I have listened at church.  They say things that are true there. I have done things they have told me to do there, and I have been rewarded. The reality I have found is that God, through the church, is trying to tell me the truths I need for happiness on this earth in this moment. The truth is God is not oppressing me, but it is trying to protect me from myself. You may have heard the expression “to thine own self be true”.  This resonates because the easiest person to lie to is yourself.  What lies have you told yourself?  One more won’t hurt.  I won’t get caught. It’s not hurting anyone. No one will know. The list goes on.

So listen to the what the leftists say, and know the truth is whatever they deny. Go to church! Even if you have never been. Your happiness on earth and your everlasting soul are at stake.